Tuesday 13 March 2012

3 Simple tips to help JAMBites understand all mathematics concepts

Studying Mathematics is something few students want to do, because of the difficulties associated with understanding Mathematical concepts. Most students prefer memorizing steps and formulas but these approach have not really helped student's performance. The following will reveal and equip you with skills to easily understand Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, Longitude and Latitude, etc.

1. Misunderstood words, terms or symbols: Mathematics is written in language that students speak and understand but not all words used in teaching Mathematics are familiar words, however these 'Maths words' have simple definition that you  may have to look up; I am not advocating you becoming a math dictionary but be able to give simple explanation of what these words mean and in relation to Mathematics. How could a student point out examples of nouns if the student is unable to explain the fact that nouns in sentences are objects that does the action specified by the verb. For instance the topic Sequences and Series will not make much sense to you if  you can't define the term sequence of numbers.So , before studying any topic in Mathematics take some few minutes to acquaint yourself with the words, terms and symbols used in treating the topic; it will save you months of confusion and difficulty in studying that topic.

2. Too steep concept: Every concept in Mathematics can be broken down into cheap 2+3, Whether it is the Theory of Relativity or the Quantum Theory; they can be easily broken down into small understandable bits. You don't start learning multiplication before learning addition nor is it advisable to begin the study of division if you haven't mastered the principle of subtraction, because what you learn in one is used in the later. Lesson delivery fail when teaching is approached from the complex to simple. The only way to get yourself interested in any Math topic is to start from familiar turf before going to the Big League. Why do football administrators insist that football players start from armature before going to professional. Get yourself warmed up squaring numbers like 2, 3, 4 before you start studying Indices.

3. Abstract study: Almost every Mathematics topic up to first year in tertiary institution can be studied with concrete objects and for Mathematics study from second year above, one could use computer aided models. The importance of using concrete objects in studying Mathematics can't be overemphasized. Until a biology teacher brings in either a model of an animal or a video of animals or basic picture of an animal; teaching External features of an animal will still result in a failed class. In the worst scenario if you can't get a concrete object at least find some suitable relevant diagram: Why is visual taking over technology this day, why are people in the business of providing unique visual getting ahead more than others. Once you can relate a Mathematics topic with a concrete object or a diagram the topic is over 60% delivered.

The struggle over studying Mathematics can become a piece of cake when these simple rules is followed.

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